We just released an update to our Novara theme. We are now at version 1.1.0.

This is what I like to call our “pre WordPress.com submission” version, which brings it up to WordPress.com theme guidelines.

Bug Fixes

Accessibility bug related to “More” toggle

For accessibility reasons, the “More” section wrapper div has an aria-expanded attribute. The attribute value is “false” when closed and “true” when open.

There was a little typo in the JavaScript that prevented the attribute value updating appropriately, so that’s now fixed.

This bug didn’t affect the visual appearance of the “More” section opening and closing, but in any case, it needed to be fixed.


Theme Option to control “More” toggle button text

This update adds a new Customizer panel called “Theme Options” where you can edit the “More” toggle button text.

Maybe you want to call it “Extra Stuff” instead? Go for it.

It’s important to note that the Customizer callback will not allow an empty string. This is because if there are active widgets, they should still be accessible through this button toggle.

If you want to get rid of this text completely, make sure all the “More” widget areas are removed too. Novara will not output any related markup if all of the widget areas are empty.

“Close” text was not translatable. Now it is.

The “X” button you see at the top of the “More” section included screen reader text (as in, it’s invisible if you’re not using a screen reader) that read “Close” …but was not translatable.

Even though the text is hidden on non-screen-readers, it’s still essential to accessibility and internationalization to allow this text to be translatable anyway.

Jetpack Content Options

Novara now supports the Content Options module in Jetpack. This will allow you to toggle display of things like author name, categories, tags, and featured images on different types of pages.

Decrease Font Size at Narrow Width

This update adds a tiny media query that slightly decreases the size of text on device widths less than 600 pixels wide.

RTL stylesheet

This udpate adds a right-to-left stylesheet, necessary if your website content is in Hebrew, Arabic, or any other right-to-left language.

Editor stylesheet

This update adds an editor stylesheet, which provides a more accurate representation of what published content will look like in the Visual editor on the backend.


Forgot to put a screenshot in the initial release.

Not a front-facing issue, but makes it easier for admins to identify and select Novara on the Appearance → Themes page in the backend.

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Spatial 1.1.0 Theme Update
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Leveraging the core “Display Site Title and Tagline” Customizer option with Site Logo