This guide while walk you through setting up the Adaline theme.

Custom Header

Adaline takes advantage of WordPress’ Custom Header feature. The recommended dimensions are 1400×404.

Featured Images

Adaline makes liberal use of WordPress’ featured image feature for posts. Adaline registers two new hard-cropped image sizes: a “rectangle” size (700×350) and a “square” size (350×350).

The square size is especially important, as it’s displayed with each post on all index and archive pages, along with the row of four featured posts below the first featured post. The “rectangle” image is reserved for the first featured post. Featured content will be covered later in the setup guide.

It’s recommended that you add a featured image to every single post, if possible, for optimal aesthetic effect.


Adaline features four widget areas: one in the sidebar and three for each footer column.

If the sidebar widget area is not active, Adaline will automatically adjust to a one-column layout.

Primary Navigation

Adaline features a primary navigation menu that is revealed by a “hamburger” toggle button visible in the top right corner of the theme.

It works best with just one level deep of menu items, as in subpages should be avoided for optimal aesthetic.

Jetpack Features

Adaline features support for the following Jetpack features: infinite scroll, site logo, and featured content.

All three of these features do not require a connection, so you can take advantage of these features while running in Jetpack Development Mode.

Infinite Scroll

Simply activate the “Infinite Scroll” module, and Adaline will handle the rest.

Upon activation, the previous/next pagination buttons on index and archive pages will be replaced with a clickable “load more” button which will load additional posts without reloading the page.

Site Logo

After activating Jetpack, a new Customizer option for “Site Logo” will be revealed.

Simply upload your logo image. The image will be cropped to 236×236 and then displayed in the theme at 118×118 to account for Retina screens. So try to upload a square image larger than 236×236 for best results.

Featured Content

After activating Jetpack, a new Customizer option for “Featured Content” will be revealed.

This option will allow you to set a “featured” tag, which posts will be displayed from.

There must be a minimum of five posts for any featured content to show.

Any posts that are displayed in the featured content area will be excluded from the “normal” non-featured post listing below.

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